Weds, August 21, 2019

Wednesday, August 21st –
Virgo is the 6th sign of the Zodiac and is devoted to serving others ????????and being practically perfect ????????‍♀️. Virgo refines anything she touches, but at the cost of being somewhat obsessive ???? when delving into thoughts. Venus is moving into Virgo ♍️ , meaning this is a time when we might get a tad picky ???? and moody if love and finances ???? are not perfectly arranged and clean as a whistle. The trend will continue for the next four weeks ????. This vibe combo really pushes the drive to be resourceful, inventive ???? and an independent person that can enjoy the unconventional side of life and need excitement. Also, with Uranus in Taurus, can bring out the willful side of our nature if forced to conform ????. Venus is still the Love Goddess ???????? and she is cheek to jowl with the Sun and Mars making this a memorable night for hunny hugging ???? and merry making ????. WaHoo!!

August 4, 2019

Sunday, August 4th –

Uranus in Taurus, the planet of sudden, dramatic changes ⚡️, has great power to produce effects and he is indeed doing just that in the areas of relationships ????‍❤️‍????‍???? and finances ????; signaling abrupt changes in the political sphere ???? , the environment ???? and personal lives.

The wise sages suggest that, in times of danger, keep the head down, the mouth shut ???? and the lowest profile we can. I also heard this one: when in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout ????. Your choice.

The Moon ???? , in Libra ⚖️ today, is striving to bring the mental focus onto harmony and togetherness in the midst of swirling winds, and seems to be doing a rather nice job of it. It doesn’t mean we won’t have adversity to deal with, but it will make the fixes easier; so be ready to do that re-envisioning ????thingy.

August 3, 2019

Saturday, August 3rd –

The Moon ???? in Virgo ♍️ is connecting with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn ♑️ and this vibe can have us feeling apathetic ???? and self-indulgent ???? , so the focus on the end result of efforts applied will help to keep us on track.

The Sun ☀️ , Mars and Venus ❤️ in Leo offset by bringing out an inner self-confidence which helps to build firm foundations in life and achieve ambitions. The attraction to unusual people and activities ????????‍♀️continues for another week or so. Positively these people may be spiritual ????‍♀️ and artistic ???? , or negatively they may be confused ????????‍♀️ and drunk ????. Wow, I wonder how we will be able to tell the difference before we get too far involved ????.

This is another of those nights when the party ???? is happening and the fun is available with friends, lovers ???? and family, so hook up with a hunny and scurry on down ????????????????.

August 2, 2019

Friday, August 2nd –

Jupiter in Sagittarius ♐️ continues to interact favorably with The Sun ☀️ and Mars ???? in Leo ???? , producing a sustained vibe of action-oriented ????????‍♀️thinking . We know what we want and we want it now !!

The Moon ???? , now in Virgo, is Trine Uranus in Taurus ???? with the effect of heightening needs to express individuality and uniqueness in unconventional ways ????. This duo also stimulates attraction to exciting and different activities ⚔️ in which to excel.
Ooooooo, sounds like a walk on the outer side of reality to me ???? – but I’m game, what ya got in mind??

Interestingly enough ☝????, we can reduce social anxiety by viewing the circumstances from a different angle. For example: “It’s not a job interview; it’s a chance to meet new people.” ????????‍♂️Psychologists say most situations can be re-envisioned in this way, and studies show people who do this naturally tend to feel less anxious about stressful social events than those who try to suppress the anxiety ????????‍♀️. Well now, aren’t you glad to know that?? ????????